Topic: Easy listening Classical
Teacher: Mª Icíar Serrano

1. Learning outcomes    

-Know,appreciate and  respect the  basic aspects of  their  own  and others  music,as  well  as  an  artistic and  cultural  heritage. 

-Develop an entrepreneurial spirit and  self-confidence, participation,critical  ability,personal  initiative,and  an  ability  to  develop Classical Music  listening  skills,plan, take  decisions  and  take  on responsibilities. 

-To  develop  and  consolidate  discipline  study  and  individual  and  team work  habits as  a  necessary  condition  for  performing  successfully  in learning   tasks and  as  a  means  of  personal  development. 

-To  develop  autonomy  in  the hearing  and  listening  differentiation  and the self-assessment  process  by  listening  Classical  Music. 

-To  recognize  music  styles, music  genres, music  periods  and composers by  easy  listening  symphony  music.

2. C for Content

-Recognising  and  producing  vocabulary  related  to  Symphony music. 

-Identifying musical  instruments by  sounds: the  families  of  the orchestra and  the  sound  characteristics  of  instruments. 

-Characteristics  of  the  four  main musical  style periods. -Memorize  the  composer´s  names  and  their  works´. 

-Be  able  to  identify the  composer, title, general style, genre,etc... 
-Identifying Themes  in  a  Symphony,writing  and  memorizing it.

3. C for Communication


-Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque ,Classical, Romantic style, period. 
-Symphony,Thema, form, structure, variations. 
-Orchestra: strings, woodwind, brass ,and percussion  instruments.


-Passive  voice:It is often  used in formal  texts. -Forming  the  passive  voice: ”to be”+past  participle+ the rest  of  the  sentence. -Passive  voice  with  infinitives and gerunds.

Language skills  Discourse type

-In  groups, listen  to  the Symphony  while  using  the  guide to  determine the  instruments that  are  introduced  in  each  section, and  in  which sections  they  play, telling  others  about  one´s  opinion. 

-Listen  once  again trying  to hear  each  harmony and  the  structure, and determine  if  the  harmonies  change during  the  Symphony and  in  what way. 

-In  groups, make  a  literary  description  of  music using  passive voice,and share  it  with  other  groups of  the  classroom.

4. C for Cognition
-The  Media  promote  classical  music  in  the  digital  age, and Social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,Youtube, too. 
It is  real-time and  authentic  interaction between  us. 
The virtual  audience  is  vast, and  you can  share  your  opinion  with  the world.

5. C for Culture

-By  analyzing and deconstructing a Symphony,they´re articulating the elements  that  make  up  music,and  seeing  what  elements make  the music  famous. 
-Practicing  active  listening:listen  with  intent  and complete  focus.Use guidelines. 
-Take notes  of  each  individual  music  element and  write  down  your observations for each category (melody,harmony, rhythm,form/structure,texture).

6. Activities 

-Use  of  Classical  Music  listening  maps.(pinterest) 

8. Cross-curricular tasks

-To  use  appropriately passive  voice  and  vocabulary  related  to music. 

-Promote  creative  and  critical attitudes within  the  realm of  Classical Music,musical styles, periods , genres  and  composers. 

-To emotionally  experience  the  music  in depth in  structure and harmony. 

-Facilitate, through listening  activities,the  acquisition of knowledge  about the  elements of  the  musical  language. 

-To know and apply in the classrooms the technologies of the information and communication. Selectively discriminate audiovisual information that contributes to learning, civic formation and cultural wealth.   


9. Organization and class          distribution. Timing

-Group work sessions supervised by the teacher. Study of a list  of Symphonies.

-Significant construction of knowledge through student interaction and activity. 

-Personalized attention and small groups. Period of instruction and orientation by the  teacher with the purpose of reviewing and discussing the music materials and topics presented in the classes,  readings, work, etc. 

TIMING: This is the first  unit of the second  term. It consists of six lessons in which we will develop all the aims, contents and evaluation necessary for the  development of the corresponding capacities in our pupils.

10. Resources and materials

-Use  of  Classical  Music  listening  maps.(pinterest) 

-Use  Youtube: 

-Linguistic competence: learning of passive  voice   forms .

 11. Key Competences

 • Data processing and digital competence: visiting teacher’s web and doing exercises and listenings. 
• Interpersonal, social and civic competence: conversation and interaction with their mates in  English using the passive  voice. 
• Cultural and artistic. Knowledge of  some  Symphonies, history and style. 
• Autonomy and personal initiative: realization of a self-evaluation to level their improvement in  this unit. 

12. Assessment: criteria and instruments 

- Knowing and applying of the most basic strategies for the comprehension of meaning, information or main ideas of the music.  

- Identifying the general meaning, the essential information and the main points in brief, simple, oral texts, with a large number of passive  voice structures. 

-Discriminating basic patterns of sound, form, rhythm and intonation. Participating in conversations with exchange of information on familiar topics, using  simple expressions and the cooperation of the interviewer experiences. 

-Knowing and applying strategies to produce texts. 


-Objectives adaptation  and  activities. 
-Contents  achievement. 
-Relation  to  other  areas. 
-Key competences  achievement. 
-Weak  points  of  the  Didactic  Unit.

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