2nd year ESO

Shared by Ignacio García:

The activity lies in introducing a part of the subject’s contents to their classmates. They will work by groups of three-four pupils. Firstly, the teacher will make clear they are not dealing with a conventional exposition. They are used to copying and paste some information to create a PowerPoint presentation, and then they usually read these contents. 

However, in this activity they have to provide their classmates with useful tools and efficient communication so the pupils can get the key points related to the contents. Moreover, they have to provide themselves with an accurate feedback from their mates, and reflect on the process of learning they have carried out.

For this purpose, the teacher will set out a series of tasks:

-Write a couple of introductory questions about the contents. This way, they can use different types of driving questions.

-Explain briefly the main points of the topic, so they can develop both vocabulary and summarizing skills.

-Offer their mates some material to clarify the exposition: pictures, or a brief video.

-Think about an activity to resume the key points, and search for some feedback of their classmates’ learning, who can ask their ‘teachers’ any doubt they mayhave. This activity could consist of more questions, a crossword, a kahoot,…

Let’s see an example: We are dealing with the classic musical instruments, and a group is in charge of the family of string instruments.

-They introduce the matter by asking these questions to their classmates:
                 *What is the element that vibrates in a string instrument?
                 *How is the sound produced?
                 *How many string instruments could you name?

-Then, they show a scheme/presentation with the three main types of string instruments (bowed, plucked and struck), and a couple of examples.

-Each member of the group introduces an instrument with a picture or video, and explains how it works.

-Finally, they propose an activity. For instance, they could put some videos of unknown string instruments and their classmates have to find out how to classify them.
Once the activity is finished, the whole group will proceed with the assessment, using some rubrics as a reference:

Selection of information
The information is accurate, and the group has made clear the priority of the contents.

Clarify of exposition
The members of the group have worked in coordination with each other, and they have use accurate tools of communication.

The members of the group have shown good knowledge of the contents. They aren’t been reading the information all the time, and they knew the main points of the matter.

The materials(schemes, pictures, videos) they have search of were appropriate and useful.

The activities of review they have elaborates were useful to retain the key points of the contents.

 Both pupils and ‘teachers’ have to mark the exposition, showing accurate arguments to this purpose. That way, all the pupils will be encouraged to use a variety of structures such the conditional (‘If you had share out better your roles, your exposition would have been clearer’.)

In my opinion, this would be a very complete activity to practice both oral and written performance, and could be specially recommended to develop the ‘Learn to learn’ skills.

Resultado de imagen de Pachelbel

Click on "Topic" to access to the activity:

Cross-curricular(ism): Music, Art and Social Sciences (History)

Teachers: Sergio Hernández, Rosario Rosado, Sonia Díaz

Resultado de imagen de string musical instruments

Click on "Topic" to access to the activity:

Cross-curricular(ism): Technology

Teacher: Pureza Fidalgo

Resultado de imagen de rhythm

Click on "Topic" to access to the activity:

Cross-curricular(ism): Maths

Teacher: Jose A. de Dios

Resultado de imagen de parody lyrics logo

Click on "Topic" to access to the activity:

Cross-curricular(ism): Physical Education and English

Teacher: Eduardo Nozal

Resultado de imagen de painting music

Click on "Topic" to access to the activity:

Cross-curricular(ism): Art

Teacher: Marta Villar

Resultado de imagen de medieval music

Click on "Topic" to access to the activity:

Cross-curricular(ism): Music, and Social Sciences 

Teachers: Susana García and Sonia Mª Rodríguez

Resultado de imagen de black death

Click on "Topic" to access to the activity:

Cross-curricular(ism): Music, and Social Sciences (History) 

Teacher: Beatriz Aparicio

Resultado de imagen de percussion instruments and batucada

Click on "Topic" to access to the activity:

Teacher: M. Nieves Asenjo

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