3rd year ESO

Shared by Mariela Rodríguez for 3rd Year ESO:

Topic: the Baroque period in music.

The activity is structured in two parts, and they are going to work in couples (it’s a small group of 17 students).

In the first part, they are going to create a poster of a chosen Baroque composer in an online program named canva. This program is a great tool and has many free templates to create flyers, cards and posters. The poster needs to catch the attention like an ad, because they are going to use it as an image for a Spotify playlist.

In the second part they are going to research about their chosen composer and his/her music, to have enough information to make a Top five Spotify playlist and a short verbal presentation. The outlines of the presentation are as follows:

1.   Brief description of the composer's biography: Ex. Date and place of birth, professional development, any other information you consider relevant (including gossip).

2.   ‘Sell it’. Examples: Why his/her music was successful in the Baroque period? Why is he or she  one of the most well known composers of our time? Why is his/her music so appealing?

3.   Show us the composer top five. Show us the Spotify list you’ve created with the top five music pieces of the composer. Specially justify the music you’ve chosen as number one….

To prepare a successful presentation, it could be useful to give them keywords that could help them to describe and explain their subject. I’d rather prefer to do that while assessing their work in class. They need a lot of assistance to do this kind of several steps activity, so I think it’s the best option in this case.
Here are some links to the resources I use in this activity.  

Topic: Music in the Middle Ages
Teacher: Patricia Pérez

2. C for Content

We will start the Unit revising the contents about musical texture studied last year through an activity (1)
Then, the teachers will show a mind map to the student and will explain it. The mind map is in the next link.

After that, the students will listen to some recordings of the theme and they will do an activity (2) in order to allocate a texture to each type of music.

3. C for Communication


The Unit has new vocabulary related to topics of History of music that the students did not study in the previous year. Some of these new words will be use through the whole course, so, it is important to spend enough time to work about them.
New words:
Secular, religious, human beings, day-to day activities, curing powers, treatises, modes, notation, clergy, monasteries, scribes, monks, neumes, hymn, plainsong, sacred, troubadours, jongleurs, noble, society, current, motet, guidelines.
Important verbs:
Link, accompany, develop, become, perform, originate, evolve, measure, appear, spread, compose, gain, flourish, decline


Simple past, passive.
For the activity: interrogative

Language skills  Discourse type
Expository text and discourse using simple past.
We will work the speaking, reading out the contents of the unit with a special emphasis in the pronunciation on those new words.
Interrogative sentences for the activity

4. C for Cognition

The proposal for this point is the work in a Project that we have called “Learning music through art”.
The students have to design materials about Music in the Middle Ages that then, will be shown in a wall of the long hallway that the students cross to get to the Music room.

5. C for Culture

Linked with the Project “Learning music through art” we will worked with the teacher of Visual Art (also in the bilingual section).
Meanwhile the students learn about the colour in this subject, they will practise different tecniques based in the miniature of the Cantigas de Santa María.

6. Activities

C for Content:
(1)The teacher will give to each student three post-it notes, one red, one blue and one grey. Then, she will show this video to the students
and will ask them that they will write the definition of the three main types of texture in the post-it depending on the colour assigned in the video while they listen and watch it.
They could watch the video for a second time paying attention to the different textures.
They listen again for a third time but now they will not be able to watch the video. (We will turn off the screen) They will have to raise the correct post-it according to the texture that is playing.
(2)With the mind map on the screen, the students will listen some pieces of music in the Middle Ages. The teacher will say what kind of music the students are listening to, for instance:
“This is a piece of music of Gregorian chant”
“This is a Cantiga de Santa María”
Alternatively, she will ask to one student to go to the digital blackboard and to paste the post-it with the name of a texture in the word ballon. After the activity, the student who have not stand up to paste their post-it, could correct the work of their classmates.

C for Communication
This activity would be a summary of the contents and particularly a review of the tracks related with the Unit.

A student shows his/her classmates a label with the name of a track (one from the completed table they did in the Task C for Content) but he/she cannot see it. Then he/she has to make questions about himself/herself and the rest of the class will answer yes or no.
The student should try to know which track he or she is.
After the activity:
The activity has worked well because it has been funny for them.
In their English classes, the students usually work the interrogative sentences using the second or the third person, so it was difficult for them to make questions using the first person singular
I have done this activity several times because it is easy to adapt to the most of the contents of the subject.
Changes and improvements: the students can answer raising a green cardboard instead YES and a red cardboard for the NO. By doing so, the teacher can be sure that everybody answers and if they give the correct answer.
There is an alternative for the game: the student in the middle thinks about a track and the rest of students make questions in order to guess the track. The student can only answer yes or no.
Follow the link to see a version of the activity working about the musical instruments. (Published by Patricia Pérez González)

C for Cognition:
The students will work in groups. Each group will choose a topic related with the Unit and they will decide how they can show the content through visual materials. They can also use some videos or audios. They could use QR codes or another augmented reality app like layar, hp reveal…
Due to the characteristics of the subject the students are learning to use the app Audacity which helps them to edit audios. At the same time, we are working the digital competence.
The activity has been motivating for the students. They like to work in groups and they have been keen on the final result. But they have needed a lot of support in their works, not only with the materials but mainly with the ideas.

7. Tasks

C for Content:
The students will do a table in their notebooks. In the table they will write the information that they have until now. The table will be open and they could complete it during the development of the Unit.

C for Communication
After the activity about the tracks of the unit the teacher asks to the students to prepare an oral presentation where they explain the characteristics of the track. Through the music that they have to explain they should also explain the characteristics of the type of music. For instance: if a student has to explain “Puer natus est” from the Gregorian chant, he or she will explain not only the structure of this piece of music but the general characteristics of the Gregorian chant.

C for Cognition:

After their works in groups they will have to present their works in the wall.
  1. A group of students drew two monks in the wall to illustrate the Gregorian chant. After that, they recorded a short explanation about this kind of music. With the Audacity app they edited the recording accompanying it with a piece of music from The Gregorian chant. Finally, they created a QR code which will be shown in the wall too beside the monks.

(After reading the QR code, please click in Browse website)

  1. Other two groups created posters with Fotojet app about Guido d´Arezzo and the notation system

8. Cross-curricular tasks
C for Culture (Activities and tasks)
Both teachers, Music teacher and Visual Art teacher work together about the importance of the Cantigas de Santa María from the point of view of their subjects.
In each class we will analise the miniatures of the book. In fact, in the Music class we will study the instruments in the Middle Ages through this creation.
In the Visual Art class (of course with the same group) they will analise the artistic value of the creation and the use of the colour.
The students will paint some of this images and their final works will be exhibited in the wall of the hallway.


9. Organization and class                                   distribution. Timing

10. Resources and materials

The music room will be the main place where we will develop the Unit but we will spend lot of time in the hallway.
We will use our digital blackboard and our stereo.
We will need some materials as cardboard, post-it, paint boxes, gouache or others and a printer.
We will have some useful apps within reach:
Youtube, exam time, QR code generator, HP reveal, Layar, Fotojet, ect.  

11. Key Competences

12. Assessment:
criteria and instruments
The oral presentation proposed as a communication activity will be evaluated with a rubric as it is described below:

Resultado de imagen de homeless

Click on "Topic" to access to the activity:

Cross-curricular(ism): Music, and Social Sciences (Geography)

Teachers: Ana Bernal, Esperanza Arranz

Resultado de imagen de remembrance day

Click on "Topic" to access to the activity:

Cross-curricular(ism): Social Sciences (History)

Teachers: Eva Cinza

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